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I’m Jonathan.

A designer and consultant based in Oslo, Norway.

Thanks for visiting my site.

If you want to know more about me, you have come to the right place.

If you would rather skip the reading, and grab a cup of coffee instead, you can reach me on Twitter, LinkedIn, through slack on UX Norge, or add me on Discord (Esbjug#5852). We'll figure out the rest.

Continue reading, and I'll paint you a picture of who I am.

A photo of me, Jonathan, sitting at a table with a computer in front of me smiling. Behind me is a bookshelf and a lamp.

Tell me the facts and I’ll learn.
Tell me the truth and I’ll believe.
But tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever.

The first thing you should know about me is that I live to experience stories.

Stories of imagined worlds. Stories of our own. Stories about the past. Stories about the future.

I enjoy stories because they challenge my understanding of the world. They are tools to contemplate on what is different.

To me, a story is like traveling to a whole new place, where the destinations are boundless. I could go anywhere, at any time. Fortunately, that’s always where I want to go.

Experiencing a good story is not a passive experience, it’s an attentive activity. Being enveloped in a story helps me actively think and feel through the eyes of others. It helps me train my imagination, and it extends and recontextualises my own preconceptions about how things are supposed to be.

Most of all, they help reframe and pose questions about our own reality. What if this situation was different? What if this thing was real? How would that affect the world around us? What would people do differently?

- What if? -

After experiencing thousands of stories, I believe this questions is the reason why I became a designer.

As a designer I get to ask myself “what if”-questions every day. I get to use my imagination to challenge reality and the status quo. I get to drive us toward something new. Something better.

The surface

I'm also a regular human being. Here's what I'm up to when I'm not working.

Playing really good video games

I have ~26 years of experience with game overs, and just beat my 1050th game.

Reading and collecting novels

Give me a good book or graphic novel and I'm set.

Lifting heavy stuff

Disciplined enough to keep a tight regimen, but relaxed enough to enjoy rest days to their fullest.

Frontend development

I build apps by thinking and typing on a keyboard.

Cooking and baking delicious food

I enjoy making food. I love eating it even more.

Creating digital art

I like to use technology to create visual imagery.


Let's be honest. Life is mostly this.


Nothing beats waking up well rested.


I put words into sentences to create meaning. I don't always succeed, but sometimes I do.

Creating content

I make videos for people to watch on the internet. Around 5,5 million have spent 476 600 hours watching my stuff so far.

My path

The next thing you should know about me is that I never intended to become a designer.

Growing up, I wanted to be three things. A lawyer, an engineer, and a psychologist.

As a kid I liked building stuff. I built forts in the snow, sandcastles on the beach, and spent most days with legos and video games. I was a nerdy kid. Math was my favorite subject in school. I was on track to become the ideal engineer.

When I got to high school that changed.

I was doing STEM-subjects, and I was steadily losing interest. Isn’t it ironic how subjects like math, chemistry, and physics, while trying to explain the phenomena of the universe, end up feeling soulless?

I wanted to work with something that was meaningful for humans, and my priorities changed. I ditched STEM, and started studying law at university the age of 19. What’s more meaningful than defending innocent people?

I quickly learned that the legal system wasn’t all about protecting people. It was mostly about how to interpret an established truth. A truth that didn’t deal as much in right or wrong, but in correctness and precedents.

I was cynical. The law appeared to me as archaic decisions by past politicians about how to maintain the status quo of society. Incentivise order. Who is guilty? Who should be punished?

It didn’t care much about actually solving the problem. There had to be a better way.

So, after two years studying law. I pursued a degree in pshychology. I sought to learn more about humans, and help people more directly. Actually making an impact.

At least so I thought.

Through my studies I quickly learned that we were training to treat symptoms, not causes. I found that many of the mental illnesses we face in society were caused by societal decisions and issues much larger and systemic.

I wanted to focus in on the topics that dealt with these issues instead of treating the symptoms. I studied cognitive-, behavioural-, work- and organizational psychology. How people work together in societies and groups. Phenomena like stress, anxiety, perception, decision making, loss aversion, teamwork, and leadership.

Turns out humans are pretty awful at making decisions. As groups we’re even worse.

Many decisions we’ve made in society are based on greed, poor evidence and terrible opinions. It has led us down paths that are hard to return from. Not only are we limiting ourselves as a species, we are destroying our world at the same time. I wouldn’t be able to have much impact through treating the symptoms.

Luckily, I was a naïve young student, and I still wanted to change the world.

I was also a poor student. So I got my diploma and I signed up to study computer science.

That’s when I discovered the world of design, and I knew I was on the right track. Through design I could help create a better future.

In hindsight, I feel like design encompasses all I wanted to do growing up. I wanted to shape society into an egalitarian place. I wanted to build things that could support us into the future. I wanted to understand human beings. To help people live their best lives.

And as any good designer does, I keep this in my mind at all times. I hold it firmly.

I know what I want to see happen through my design.

Design is, after all, making intentions into reality.


Here are 10 tunes I've listened to this month. Thanks Spotify.

  • A picture of the Spotify cover for the song: All Eyes On Me (The Outtakes Version) by Bo Burnham

    All Eyes On Me (The Outtakes Version)

    Bo Burnham

  • A picture of the Spotify cover for the song: Let Me Down Slowly by Cyan Kicks

    Let Me Down Slowly

    Cyan Kicks

  • A picture of the Spotify cover for the song: Animal by Jim Yosef feat. RIELL


    Jim Yosef feat. RIELL

  • A picture of the Spotify cover for the song: Seven Nation Army - The Glitch Mob Remix by The White Stripes feat. The Glitch Mob

    Seven Nation Army - The Glitch Mob Remix

    The White Stripes feat. The Glitch Mob

  • A picture of the Spotify cover for the song: The Girl by Hellberg feat. Cozi Zuehlsdorff

    The Girl

    Hellberg feat. Cozi Zuehlsdorff

  • A picture of the Spotify cover for the song: Sail by GXD feat. Elle Vee


    GXD feat. Elle Vee

  • A picture of the Spotify cover for the song: All Eyes On Me (Song Only) by Bo Burnham

    All Eyes On Me (Song Only)

    Bo Burnham

  • A picture of the Spotify cover for the song: Baby Vendetta by RØRY

    Baby Vendetta


  • A picture of the Spotify cover for the song: Vision pt. II by Lost Sky feat. She Is Jules

    Vision pt. II

    Lost Sky feat. She Is Jules

  • A picture of the Spotify cover for the song: DEVIL by DREAMDNVR



My purpose and philosophy

The final thing you should know about me is my reasoning for spending my life on this, beyond just making a living.

Let me tell you what drives me. My conviction.


Before I die I want to see society flourish, through meaningful, empathic, effective, ethical, egalitarian and sustainable acts of progress.

I believe that good design is the key to our survival as a species. And I’m not joking.

We have seen the destruction that evil, malign, or stupid design has wrought on us. We have made guns to kill each other. We built societies with awful wealth distributions, large inequalities, and suffering. We constructed engines of mass consumption that’s polluting the world around us.

Leaving things up to chance (and terrible design) is not an option any more. We need people with good intent and actions to shape the world around us in a meaningful way. We need good design done well.


I believe that my best shot at making this happen is through empowering people I meet with the knowledge, principles and acts of good design.

Tenets, like acting on evidence and understanding. Embody empathy through every action. Creation through discourse and cooperation. Embracing diverse perspective and ideas. Limit premature convergence. Champion beauty and elegance. Work for the good of everyone, not the few.

As an Individual I can only do so much, but I believe that limiting myself is setting myself up for failure. I want to spread the knowledge and inspire others, through words, acts and examples, even if it sounds folly or audacious.

I want to see changes in laws, communities, products, narratives and languages. To see the influence of good design principles throughout society.

We are living in a volatile world. Time will tell of what my impact will be.


Now you know who I am. How I got here. What my purpose is.

Now you get to decide if we should work together, or if you want to have a chat.

We should work together if...

  • You have an important design problem, and want to make meaningful change for people and society.
  • You know the value of good design. You want to create impactful results through outcomes.
  • You want a competent design partner. Someone who supports and challenges you to create better results.
  • You feel like you need help with design and design-culture. You want to improve how you work with design in your organization and need a place to start.
  • You want someone to lead design in a product development team.
  • You got this far down on the page without closing your browser tab. Nice.

  • If some of those sounds good to you, here’s what you will get by working with me. And what you won’t get.

You will get

  • Help with holistic problem solving through ethical product design.
  • A designer with a tuned sense of elegance, taste, and quality.
  • A sparring partner, companion or coach.
  • Someone who cares more about people than technology.
  • Someone who makes not knowing into a strength.
  • Someone who doesn’t give up until we’re done.

You won't get

  • The answers you want, instead of what you need to hear.
  • Someone who follows orders. I won’t do anything without first knowing why, and without considering if it’s worth doing.
  • Fake, buzzwordy, design speak. I say what I mean, without being an ass about it.
  • Poorly designed products and services.

That's it

Well done. You made it to the end.

Hopefully you got a picture of who I am. I think I went a bit heavy in there. Oh well, that happens sometimes.

Keep in mind that I come from a position of privelige compared to many. Growing up as a white man in Norway, there's a lot of stuff I take for granted. Like, for instance, being able to change education-paths without becoming financially bankrupt. I realize that this is a luxury in the world we live in. Even though, in my mind it should just be the norm.

Regardless of that, I hope it didn’t diminish the impact of the content too much, and that you found reading about me a little interesting, if nothing else.

Thank you again for checking out my site.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.